Yeah, it’s, it can be amazingly healing in the first few weeks of sobriety stew, that it’s almost like a form of meditation, just do that brain dump. So that kind of inspirations, spirituality, whatever you want to call it, obviously, meditation if you if you but a lot of people find they can’t meditate at the beginning, I certainly couldn’t when I was drinking. So that’s a build up for a lot of people. And then of course, the really, really important one is connection. And I just don’t think this is possible without connection with like-minded people. We really need people who have been there, done it got the t shirt.

  • If I do, I don’t want to be like, Oh, no, I have to start all over, like my journey is ruined all of my hard work.
  • The very reason they seem so challenging to manage is because we have avoided them for so long.
  • Chip was inspired to pursue a substance use disorder treatment career after his experience with the recovery community.
  • So, we have to put back some of those helpful brain chemistry chemicals as it were.

Or you’re too young to know, you know, like you haven’t even really started and stuff. And it’s like, why would you ever tell somebody that he’s trying to get sober, like, it shouldn’t matter. That’s that whole idea of qualifying really bothered me. There are countless physical health benefits to quitting drinking. So, when you stop unhealthy drinking, it’s common to experience positive physical changes such as clearer skin, weight loss, and greater health outcomes.

The Creative Sober Podcast: Sober Sounds Different, an Interview with DJ KB

The very reason they seem so challenging to manage is because we have avoided them for so long. With time and practice, sobriety gives you the opportunity to heal strained relationships, let go of relationships that are no longer serving you, and build a more present and fulfilling social life. There’s no definitive way of saying if life is “better” or not without alcohol.

And this and that is the kind of Zeitgeist feeling, that, Oh, without booze, everything’s terrible. Like when you know, when I think of other parallel addictions, because they are parallel, right. And a lot of people don’t see it that way.

Financial Benefits of Quitting Drinking

And what I found was, there’s a lot out there for other people that, you know, are interested in doing that traditional 12 steps. And I knew there were people, but I didn’t know how to find them, you know? So that’s kind of what you know, sparked my idea in starting the DRI club and starting the, 1000 hours drive challenge.

alcohol free lifestyle

And so finding balance can be hard sometimes, you know, yeah. Yeah, I it’s just, I think it’s breaking down. Like, I can always use the same metaphors, right. But I think people really understand metaphors better.

Sober Carpenter Takes The Wheat Side of Their White Ale & Goes to Town When It Hits Your Lips

They’ve never actually allow their thoughts to come from some dark place out. You don’t have to do anything with it, then have to edit it or read it or post it, you just get it out. And some kind of magic happens when you do that. Because even the thoughts that you didn’t want to have to think you you’ve committed for three minutes, I’m just going to write down every thought that comes into my head, even if the thought is I can’t think of anything. It’s one of the things that I you know; I talk about a lot in the sober club is this whole idea of needing to step into this new identity of who you really are. Most of us were, you know, we don’t have that level of emotional intelligence.

So really, it’s just a hindrance to everything genuinely. Well, and you have the insight now, and the tools, and I think it’s a constant calibration in our lives, to be like, Okay, how do I keep myself in my mind? It’s like, how do I keep myself in that emotional green zone? I, you know, we’ve mentioned a few times throughout the podcast, and I realized we didn’t ever actually talk about it. When nobody showing you that life is really good without alcohol, right? All your you know, if you surround yourself with drinkers, and everything you do is drinking based, you have no imagination, you can’t even picture what life will be like without alcohol.

But I learned from the biology of desire, which is such a good book that, you know, eating disorders, substance abuse disorders, gambling, addiction, sex addiction, these are all very parallel, you know, it’s the same. It’s the same swimming lane to me, you know, like, it might be a little, it’s a different lane, but we’re all going the same path. You know, we’re feeding the same, you know, neurotransmitters and, and stuff. And so when I think about my friends who are, you know, recover from eating disorders? I don’t know one of them who’s like, yeah, I’m Billy neck, but I don’t throw up anymore. But I’m a baleen MC, or I’m anorexic, even though I eat now, you’re like, Okay, well, you used to be anorexic, you know, or you used to have anorexia.

alcohol free lifestyle

The sober-curi­ous lifestyle takes a holis­tic approach to well­ness by encour­ag­ing health­i­er lifestyle choic­es. By reduc­ing your alco­hol con­sump­tion, you may expe­ri­ence sig­nif­i­cant health benefits. If you’re not into support groups, then you can take advantage of the rapidly growing alcohol-free support community on Instagram. You can search terms like #alcoholfree, #soberlife, or #addictionrecovery to find accounts that offer motivational posts, alcohol-free lifestyle ideas, and emotional support.